I am a person, girl, traveler, artist, bookbinder, gardener, book and paper restaurer, nature-lover, south-eastern Londoner, waitress; with no specific nationality and very hardly describable education.

My mind sticks naturally to details. Small things become huge in certain light, in the encounter with a smell or atmosphere...  

The word "detail" comes originally from the French verb "detailer" which means to "cut in pieces" or "narrate in particulars". Understanding the term in its fullest sense means to perceive our world as a composition of limitless spaces.

This point of view makes one’s life rich and exciting. 

The world itself is unquestionably beautiful. 

Its beauty is deep, unpredictable and ferocious and I am always aware of this. I feel enriched by this constant awareness and through the process of creating art I try to share it with others. 

The things that interest me in this world are both familiar and mysterious. They resonate like a memory from the past reminded by a flash in the present, like butterflies in the stomach. 

Making art is a meditative process. I work meticulously and in absolute concentration, contemplating my subject, my medium and myself.
My ambition is not to control 100 % the creative process, but to go along with it. The outcome is always partially a surprise for me.